In many countries around the world, millions of kilometers of pipelines were built, many more under construction and many being proposed.The pipelines transport water, crude oil, gas and dangerous chemicals. If the pipeline carrying these chemical and gases burst and leaks it can be a environmental disaster. These Gas, Oil and Chemical pipelines are made from connecting steel tubes of various diameter and thickness (4 inches to 60 inches) by welding. These pipelines are laid under the ground after examining the welds for internal discontinuities such as Lack of penetration, Lack of fusion, gas porosities, oxides, other inclusions and cracks. If these discrepancies are unattended they may burst open and leak the gas or chemical which is being transported through the pipelines. Resulting huge loss of life, money and time. In an attempt to keep these pipelines operating safely, addition to other tests on metals, Non destructive examination on weld has to be performed.